- 14 years experience with babysitting
- 32 years
- Dolní Domaslavice
- She has already been contacted by 3 parents
- Activity 3 months ago
- Response time: 11 hours
- Střední umělecká škola v Ostravě
- Ostravská univerzita
- prefers sitting: up to 20 hours/week
- I babysit at parents' place
- I have a car
- she can babysit 5 kids
- Birthday parties and other
Kateřina R.
200 Kč/hour
- 32 years
- 14 years experience with babysitting
About me
Hello there!
I am a mom of two young kids and I have many years of experience in babysitting for family members and friends. I studied for three years at the Faculty of Education in Ostrava, because I saw working with children as fulfilling and something that actually gives me sence. However, I did not complete this bachelor's degree due to financial reasons. In parallel with the Faculty of Education, I studied at the Faculty of Arts in Ostrava, where I obtained a master's degree. I then obtained a pedagogical course (so-called "pedagogical minimum") and also a certificate enabling me to teach English language. I dare to say that my English is at a decent level and I have no problem tutoring children or actively conversing with them. I lived in the USA for a year as a child and later studied for two years in England. This gives me a fuller understanding for children who live in a foreign country with a different culture.
My main area of interest are visual arts and I have experience in leading children towards better understanding in this field of study. I enjoy preparing various art projects and creative workshops for children. I can also help with the program for a birthday party. I am experienced in face painting, costume creating or making theme parties. There are several directions in art that I am experienced at, so if your children are interested or focused in this direction, I could definitely come up with a lot of activities for them or even coach them.
Just as I myself enjoyed spending my holidays at summer camps in childhood, I also participated in them later as an instructor. I enjoy preparing different tasks and activities for children as well as scavenger hunts. If your children are passionate about a certain area, I will be happy to explore that area with them. As a child, I enjoyed discovering various interesting things in encyclopedias, and I have a great understanding for children who are curious and want to explore the world. I definitely don't know everything, but I would really like to dive into the world of animals or history together with your children and we can explore everything together. I will support gifted children who are bored at school in their further growth, but also, I will gladly help children who are not keeping up at school.
Before I got pregnant with my first child, I taught second grade for a while and since I'm not your typical teacher, I had all my children (7th-9th grade) fill out a questionnaire where they could evaluate my approach and my work. So I have some authentic references kept down somewhere... :-)
I love nature, I like to go outside for a walk and if your children are active or like to go for a ride in a stroller, I am very much in favor of walking and being in the fresh air. I enjoy physical activities and I can for example play badminton or ping pong with your children. I'm not a sports coach and I have never done sports on higher level, but I think I am sufficient as a game partner and I definitely have lot of enthusiasm for it. I am also passionate about board games and I am keen to play them even with the youngest ones.
If you have a younger child who seeks friends, we can arrange meeting with my own two kids. They are both friendly and also would like to meet other nice friends.
General Experience
5 years
5 years
7 years
8 years
2 years
Skills and Hobbies
Drawing, painting
Příležitostně se věnuji fotografii, můžeme s dětmi vymyslet nějaký projekt nebo jít fotit jen tak do přírody. Věnovala jsem se v dětství divadlu a vždy mě to moc bavilo. Klidně vymyslíme společné aktivity podobné těm, které se učí v dramatických kroužcích. Malovala jsem několikrát na stěnu, můžeme spolu klidně vymalovat dětský pokoj. Nebo spolu vytvoříme komiks. Fantazii se meze nekladou. Pokud bude mít dítě zájem se rozvíjet, určitě jej ráda povedu a s těmi, které se nerady nudí můžeme vymyslet spoustu zábavných aktivit. Diskuzní "kroužek"? Vyšívání? Dračí doupě? Jsem pro! :-)
Čeština and English
Angličtina na úrovni C1. Polsky a nářečí "po naszymu" rozumím, ale aktivně nehovořím.