  • 2 years experience with babysitting
  • 18 years
  • Česká Kamenice
  • Activity 2 months ago
  •  Střední pedagogická škola, Nový Bor
  •  prefers sitting: up to 20 hours/week
  •  I have a place for babysitting
  •  I babysit at parents' place
  •  she can babysit 2 kids

Tereza A.

160 Kč/hour

  • 18 years
  • 2 years experience with babysitting

She passed document verification (ID or DL)

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About me

I'm studying secondary school of education, I'm in the fourth year (final year). During my studies, I completed a lot of internships - in a kindergarten, a social group and at a suburban camp. I am calm, responsible, I can interest children and have fun together. I can create a bond with children and they trust me. In my free time I read, psychology, play musical instruments and do sports.


Víkendy během školního roku. Ve všední dny jen odpoledne od 15:30, ve čtvrtek od 14:30. Pondělí od 15:30 také, ale dle domluvy (ne všechny pondělí)

Current calendar is not availaible

General Experience


no experience


no experience


2 years


1 year


2 years

Special Experience


Skills and Hobbies

Singing/playing musical instrument, Drawing, painting, and Sport


Čeština and English

Anglický jazyk- úroveň B1, certifikát Cambridge


Plavecký, cyklistický a lyžařský výcvik

Where babysit

Primary city: Ústecký » Děčín » Česká Kamenice » Česká Kamenice