- 10 years experience with babysitting
- 58 years
- Zbraslav
- She has already been contacted by 39 parents
- Activity 3 months ago
- Response time: 9 hours
- Střední zdravotnická škola
- First Aid Certificate
- prefers sitting: 20 - 40 hours/week
- I have a place for babysitting
- I babysit at parents' place
- she can babysit 2 kids
- Birthday parties and other
- Groups of kids

Jindra L.
250 Kč/hour
- 58 years
- 10 years experience with babysitting
About me
Mám ráda děti ,respektuji jejich potřeby a jsem zodpovědná.Jsem veselá a umím si se vším poradit.Jako zdravotní sestra mám i specifické odborné znalosti a mohu hlídat dítě i v případě onemocnění.
Většinou mohu dle dohody
Current calendar is not availaible
General Experience

1 year

2 years

no experience

4 years

no experience
Special Experience
Autism Spectrum Disorder, Diabetes, Asthma, Hyperactivity, Care for Sick Children, Food Allergies, Sleep Disorders, Visual Impairment, Hearing Impaired, Epilepsy, and Special needs
Skills and Hobbies
Drawing, painting, Dance/physical activity, and Sport
Čeština, Deutsch, Russian, and Slovak
Care under the Social Services Law
I also provide services under the Social Services Law (z.č.108/2006 Sb.
Download the document
Hlídačky.cz do not check that the document entitles the sitter to provide social services under Law No z.č.108/2006 Sb.