Babysitting Křešice
Found 40 sitters
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Veronika Ř.
Veronika Ř.
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
I studied physiotherapy at the 2nd Faculty of Medicine. Although as a physiotherapist I worked more with adults and seniors, I also led group lessons for mothers with children f...
Valentýna T.
Valentýna T.
I am currently studying a pedagogy High School, with my subject of study pedagogical lyceum. I had school practise in a after-school club, where i was with children from the age...
Kateřina Ž.
Kateřina Ž.
- Covid-19 vaccine
I am a teacher. While my studies a was 3 months in Germany as an au-pair. I have also experiences with children camp. I have centificate in first help. My hobbies are hiking, ho...
Alžběta K.
Alžběta K.
- Document verified
Ahoj, jmenuji se Bětka. Jsem zdravotní sestra a absolventka 3. Lékařské fakulty v Praze na Karlově Univerzitě. Nyní pracuji jako zdravotní sestra v ambulanci dětské a dorostové ...
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