Babysitting Praha-Dolní Chabry
Found 148 sitters
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Markéta S.
Markéta S.
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
I studied grammar school of Elišky Krásnohorské in Prague 4. Now I'm applying to Charles University to study pedagogy. I have a very good relationship with children, I like play...
Svitlana R.
Svitlana R.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
I studied in high school in Ukraine. I am graduated from college there. Now I am a mother of three children, the youngest is 12 years old. And I has already become a grandmot...
Cecílie B.
Cecílie B.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Personally verified
Jsem maminka dvou fajn dětí Jiřík 12 let a Rozárka 9 let.Zároveň jsem také paní učitelka Cilka😃z mateřské školky, lektorka vaření a pečení pro děti a v neposlední řadě chůva s v...
Ariadna A.
Ariadna A.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I’m still finishing my masters degree in the law field but I’ve always worked with kids as an activity leader for more than 6 years now. Also I do different volunteering with ch...
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