Babysitter who will practice English with your children in Chlumec nad Cidlinou
Found 40 sitters
Looking for an English speaking babysitter? Choose from a wide range of reliable babysitters with English who will not only look after your children in Chlumec nad Cidlinou, but also practice English together in a fun way.

Michala V.
Michala V.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I graduated from the grammar school in Holice. Nowadays I study special education in Hradec Králové. I would like to gain some new experiences and learn more about working with ...

Markéta M.
Markéta M.
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Dobrý den, mé jméno je Markéta a jsem maminka šestiletého chlapce, který nyní navštěvuje první třídu. Společně žijeme v malebném městě Lázně Bohdaneč, kde vedeme obyčejný, spok...

Barbora V.
Barbora V.
- Document verified
My name is Barbora, I’m 19 years old and i study at Charles University in Hradec Králové, specialization in midwifery and neonatal care. I love kids, I have a long time experien...

Daniela D.
Daniela D.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
My name is Daniela, and I'm a student. I study pedagogic at high school in Hradec Králové. I get on well with all kids, but the most I like small kids under age of 4. I was on m...

Mariana B.
Mariana B.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
My name's Mariana and I am 19. Recently I graduated highschool. I am empathetic, and since I have 4 year old sister, I have experience with taking care of her. Other than that,...

Markéta H.
Markéta H.
My name is Markéta, I am 39 years old. I have more than 10 years of experience with babysitting. I looked after mostly children 6 months-6 years. I'm not against babysitting old...

Magdalena V.
Magdalena V.
- Document verified
Vystudovala jsem střední školu obor předškolní a mimoškolní pedagogika v Hradci králové (ulice SNP). Dále mám bakalářský titul v oboru speciální pedagogika pro vychovatele - kom...

Kristýna J.
Kristýna J.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Hi! My name is Kristýna and I am 21 years old. I graduated from the secondary medical school in Kolín, subject medical lyceum. Now I study at the university in Pardubice. Every ...

Natálie S.
Natálie S.
I graduated from the Secondary Vocational School in Pardubice, majoring in Public Administration, and I am currently studying at the Ambis University in Prague. I have little ex...

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