Home cleaning Příšov
Found 74 cleaners
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Markéta A.
Markéta A.
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Hi, cleaning still at home, but I also was worked in a hotel so I also meet there for cleaning. Not that it fills me up, the cleaning, but I'm happy to help. I can also deal wit...

Tereza S.
Tereza S.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
when cleaning starts with throwing the garbage, the basket is packed with a new bag, wash and wipe disis. If the dishwasher is available, rinse dishes are placed in the dishwash...

Altynnur K.
Altynnur K.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Video verification
- Bank iD Verification
Cleaning has become commonplace for me, I like to clean and I always do it hard and well . Since I am studying at university, finding a job that suits my time is not easy, so I ...

Stanislava P.
Stanislava P.
- Document verified
Dobrý den, jsem Stáňa. Ráda uklízím. Jsem pečlivá a důsledná na úklid. Uklízím s láskou 😊. Jsem Slovenka v ČR bydlím již 10 let.

Kateřina H.
Kateřina H.
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Doma se věnuji úklidu prakticky denně. Myslím, že si umím poradit s jakýmkoliv úklidem, ať už se jedná o luxování, vytírání, mytí nádobí, žehlení, utírání prachu i méně častých ...

Liliana T.
Liliana T.
- Document verified
Cleaning and maintaining order are not just daily tasks for me, but areas where I feel confident and motivated. I have experience cleaning in various environments, whether it's ...

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