Pet Sit Photos
- 18 years
- Nová Ulice
- 1 user has already contacted her
- She sends photos from pet sitting.
- Activity about 8 hours ago
- Response time: 1 day
- Slovanské gymnázium Olomouc
- -
- Overnight stay at dogs (cats...) home
- Visit & play
- Dog walking
- Small (up to 5kg)
- Medium (up to 25kg)
- Junior
- Adult
- Senior
- I have no cat
- I have no dog
- I have no children 0-5
- I have no children 6-12
She attended the first aid course with certificate.

Eliška K.
120 Kč/hour
- 18 years

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About me
Dear pet owners, I have been working with pets since my childhood, when my household visited two abandoned kittens, which are living with my family 13 years from that moment. For 11 years I'm also taking care of small dachshund and during my studies in Sweden, I was going on walks with bigger dog belonging to one family. I am used to going on regular walks.
What I would like to know about the of the dog/pet
I would like to know, what's the size of the dog, I'm quite short so I don't have dare to try it.
Jsem českou rodilou mluvčí, angličtinu mám mezi úrovní B2 a C1 a ve škole mám jako druhý jazyk němčinu, kterou ovládám tak na úrovni A2, takže v té jsem začátečníkem.