Pet sitting Topolná

Found 67 pet sitters

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Markéta U.

400 Kč/hour 1,200Kč/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 21 years
  • Malenovice

Markéta U.

400 Kč/hour 1,200Kč/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified
  • Bank iD Verification

Hello, I am a student at Tomas Bata University in Zlín. I would like to offer you pet-sitting, no matter what kind of pet you have. I have experience with dogs, cats, rabbits, ...

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Lucie H.

100 Kč/hour 300Kč/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 23 years
  • Otrokovice 2

Lucie H.

100 Kč/hour 300Kč/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified
  • Bank iD Verification

Hey guys! At the moment I have a lot of free time and I would like to use that time to help someone with taking after a family furry member. Since I was a kid I used to have gui...

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Adéla H.

150 Kč/hour 800Kč/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 28 years
  • Otrokovice

Adéla H.

150 Kč/hour 800Kč/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified
  • Bank iD Verification

I love pets. I grew up with a family full of pets - dogs, cats, rabbits, turtles, hamsters, guinea pigs, etc. We still have a family dog (that one which you can see in most of ...

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Simona M.

150 Kč/hour 500Kč/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 20 years
  • Kvítkovice

Simona M.

150 Kč/hour 500Kč/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified
  • Bank iD Verification

Dear pet owners, I am 20 years old and after school I want to devote myself fully to traveling and taking care of children and pets. As a small child I had almost all pets. I ...

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Zuzana P.

160 Kč/hour 500Kč/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 23 years
  • Uherské Hradiště

Zuzana P.

160 Kč/hour 500Kč/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Video verification

Hello, my name is Zuzana . If you would like to babysit a pet, do not hesitate to contact me. I like animals very much and I also have experience of looking after a dog (even ov...

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Sandra R.

250 Kč/hour 700Kč/day
 Pet Sit Photos
1 reviews
  • 23 years
  • Uherské Hradiště

Sandra R.

250 Kč/hour 700Kč/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Video verification

Hello! My name is Sandra and I am 23 years old. I live near Uherské Hradiště in a family house. I love animals of all kinds. I have a great relationship with animals and I get a...

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Mirek R.

190 Kč/hour 600Kč/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 18 years
  • Jalubí

Mirek R.

190 Kč/hour 600Kč/day
  • Document verified

Hello, my name is Mirek and I grew up around animals from a young age, first with my father's terrier Nikita, and from the age of seven with a Prague ratter named Dobby. At the ...

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Marie V.

150 Kč/hour 300Kč/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 18 years
  • Mařatice

Marie V.

150 Kč/hour 300Kč/day

Hello, my name is Marie, I'm only 18 years old, but I've been taking care of pets since I was little. We had everything from dogs to spiders at home. They always had a loving ho...

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Olena U.

150 Kč/hour 1,000Kč/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 42 years
  • Uherské Hradiště 5

Olena U.

150 Kč/hour 1,000Kč/day
  • Document verified

Dear pet owners, welcome to my profile. I have been taking care of pets since childhood. Over the years I have kept hamsters, parrots and provided a loving home to various fis...

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Nikola Č.

150 Kč/hour 1,000Kč/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 21 years
  • Napajedla

Nikola Č.

150 Kč/hour 1,000Kč/day
  • Document verified
  • Bank iD Verification

Zkušenosti s domácími mazlíčky mám dostačující :-). Sama jsem zvířecí mámou hned 2 mazlíčků ježečka a štěňátka Francouzského buldočka :-).

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Michaela S.

160 Kč/hour 900Kč/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 23 years
  • Zlín

Michaela S.

160 Kč/hour 900Kč/day
  • Document verified
  • Bank iD Verification

Zdravím, jmenuji se Michaela a jsem milovníkem psů, koček, hlodavců a vlastně všech zvířat. Můžu vám nabídnout hlídání vašich mazlíků venku nebo u vás. Ráda dám vašemu mazlíčkov...

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Alžběta M.

200 Kč/hour 600Kč/day
 Pet Sit Photos
1 reviews
  • 23 years
  • Kunovice

Alžběta M.

200 Kč/hour 600Kč/day
  • Document verified

Ahoj, zdraví vás velká milovnice zvířátek. Před pár měsíci jsem se přestěhovala do Prahy a bohužel jsem musela nechat u rodičů své dvě mainské kočičky a občas mi zvířecí láska c...

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Veronika K.

220 Kč/hour 1,200Kč/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 20 years
  • Zlín 4

Veronika K.

220 Kč/hour 1,200Kč/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified
  • Bank iD Verification

Přeji hezký den, jmenuji se Verča (20) a jsem studentkou FAME ve Zlíně. Mám kladný přístup ke zvířátkům. Doma máme králíčka a andulku. Ráda Vám vyvenčím Vašeho pejska, nasypu mu...

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Leona M.

120 Kč/hour 500Kč/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 20 years
  • Spytihněv

Leona M.

120 Kč/hour 500Kč/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

Hello! My name is Lea, I'm 20 years old, and I am a student at the Veterinary University in Brno. :) It already tells you a lot about me—I absolutely adore animals. I offer pet...

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Kamila M.

140 Kč/hour 900Kč/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 39 years
  • Uherské Hradiště

Kamila M.

140 Kč/hour 900Kč/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Video verification

Milí majitelé a přátelé mazlíčků, vítejte na mém profilu. Jmenuji se Kamila a jsem tady pro vás a vaše rodinné miláčky. Zkušenosti mám od mých dětských let. Neváhejte mě kontakt...

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