Pet sitting Praha-Lysolaje
Found 131 pet sitters
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Kateřina H.
Kateřina H.
Dear pet owners, since childhood I have experience with caring for various animals and I still have some at home. I like practically all animals. I have already taken care of la...

Renáta J.
Renáta J.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Jmenuji se Renáta, žiju v Praze a má práce mi příliš neumožňuje mít doma vlastního pejska či kočičku, protože několikrát do roka cestuju po ČR. Zvířata ale miluji (a ony se snad...

Michael G.
Michael G.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Dear pet owners, I am sure you are looking for someone reliable to take care of your beloved pets. Then let me introduce myself. My name is Michael and animals of all kinds are ...

Martina B.
Martina B.
- Document verified
Dear pět owners, I have been a dog trainer for and petsitter for 13 years and gaining experience for more than 22 years. I can offer a great care of your animal (mostly dogs) in...

Klára M.
Klára M.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Vážení majitelé domácích mazlíčků. S domácími mazlíčky mám zkušenost již od raného dětství, kdy jsem chovala osmáky degu. Během covidu jsme si pořídili fenku Aylu (americký staf...

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