Home senior care Lesní Hluboké
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Veronika Š.
Veronika Š.
- Document verified
I sm taking Care About my grandpa, manicure, pedicure, little walks, hygiene. Whe I was Young I worked half year in Englad in house for elderly People. All the Daily routine, w...

Doubravka M.
Doubravka M.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Hello, I am MUNI student in Brno and I would like to help seniors in need. Last year I spent 3 months in Germany, where I took care of grandmother (87 years old). We spent the w...

Karolína B.
Karolína B.
- Document verified
I greatly enjoy spending time with my grandparents, listening to their stories, and assisting them with household tasks. However, I also have more professional experience. Durin...

Pavlína Z.
Pavlína Z.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
I have no experience with this kind of job, exept of my home (sometimes taking care of my almost 80 years old dad). I have no problem to be with your grandma, grandfather, and t...

Kateřina O.
Kateřina O.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Video verification
Moje jméno je Kateřina, je mi 42let.Práce se seniory mě velice baví.Moje praxe je dlouholetá cca 15let.(Mám bohaté zkušenosti s demencí a alzheimrem.Jsem aktivní řidič(není prob...

Daniela T.
Daniela T.
- Personally verified
Už na základní škole jsem se starala o babičku, která měla Alheimerovu chorobu společně s demencí, takže jsem na práci se seniory zvyklá. Mohu seniory doprovodit k lékaři, nakou...

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