Home senior care Praha-Vinoř
Found 64
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Magdalena Č.
Magdalena Č.
- Personally verified
- Bank iD Verification
I graduated from nursery high school and have worked for more than a year in retirement house. I have worked as a nursing assistant and caregiver in 24-hour care in Norway and...
Veronika H.
Veronika H.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Video verification
- Bank iD Verification
I always have great relationships with seniors. From a young age, I always helped my grandfather and grandmother when they couldn't or even when they could. I don't have any big...
Manuela L.
Manuela L.
- Personally verified
- Bank iD Verification
Dobrý den, jmenuji se Manuela. Ke starším lidem mám náklonnost a úctu. Pečovatelku jsem dělala 2 roky, kdy jsem byla hlavní ošetřující osobou pro paní na invalidním vozíku (Pozn...
Miriama S.
Miriama S.
- Video verification
Unfortunately, I personally no longer have my grandmother and grandfather, but I have many beautiful memories of them. I can help with shopping or cleaning, accompany to the doc...
Barbora P.
Barbora P.
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
I have been involved with seniors since I was young, when I often kept my grandmother and grandfather company, helping them in the house, in the garden or with shopping. I expa...
Natalija J.
Natalija J.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Mám zkušenosti se seniory. Několik let jsem docházela k prarodičum nakoupit, uklidit, doprovodit k lékaři, nebo jen tak popovídat si. Mám pozitivní vztah k seniorům
Martina S.
Martina S.
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Mé jméno je Martina a je mi 25 let. Veškeré své dětství jsem trávila u své babičky. Pomáhala jsem jí s úklidem, nákupy a péčí o nemohoucí prababičku. Nemám problém uvařit, vyl...
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