Home senior care Olomučany
Found 13
Find a sitter to help the seniors in Olomučany. You can also view the ratings from ther users and the level of verification of the sitters.
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Jaroslava Š.
60 Kč/hour
Jaroslava Š.
60 Kč/hour
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Hello, I'm a scout leader. With my four-year-old daughter we live in a large house in the north of Brno. We have a backyard, plenty of space and plenty of nature around. I'm wor...

Veronika F.
220 Kč/hour
Veronika F.
220 Kč/hour
Zkušenosti s péči o seniory mam od svých prarodičů. S mamkou jsme jim vařily, uklízely, chodily na procházky, nebo třeba četly knížky, … prostě cokoliv co nás napadlo:) Měla js...

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