  • 21 years
  • Znojmo 5
  • 2 users have already contacted her
  • Activity about 2 months ago
  •  Sportovní gymnázium Ludvíka Daňka (bez maturity)
  • Years of experience: 0
  • At Student's Location
  • Online video tutoring

Erika K.

130 Kč/hour

  • 21 years
  • Covid-19 vaccine

About me

Hello my name is Erika I am 21 years old. I think that we must learn that we will make exercise but we can play some pexeso on these tema oř something different. And we can for example in english listening song. For me is interesting geografie because we learn where is river and next interesting thing.

Tutoring subjects

Čeština   Čeština
English   English

Special needs



Čeština and English

Tento rok jsem chodila a do konce června chodím do Jazykové školy Pelican v Brně, na úroveň B1 mluvit dokážu plynule ale i s chybami...základy angličtiny by nebyli problém, základní slovíčka pro děti, hry v angličtině pro děti, není problém vymyslet. Například... Hello, my name is Erika And I am 21 years old. I like sport. I played Basketball in Brno. When I was young I played florbal, korfbal and I did athletics. I like children because they Are happy and smoking.I like music. I play on piano but only some song. For example something for children. I like walking and I am friendly. And I have hot sister and brother. This is me and my English. 😊

Where babysit

Primary city: Jihomoravský » Znojmo » Nový Šaldorf-Sedlešovice » Znojmo 5