Tutoring Žihobce
Found 8 tutors
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Eliška S.
Eliška S.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
I can probably handle anything, I just need to look at the material beforehand. I try to make learning a game. I'm mostly concerned with understanding the substance, rather than...

Bára B.
Bára B.
- Document verified
I have experience of English and German tutoring. I can help with homework or explain the materials, that was not understood. We can focus on pronunciation or another problem. I...

Kateřina B.
Kateřina B.
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Hello, I offer tutoring mainly for elementary school students, I would like to help them improve their knowledge and preparation for school. I offer tutoring mainly in the subje...

Zuzana K.
Zuzana K.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
I am able to tech English(kids and grownups alike), Mathematics(Elementary school), but there is no issue with teaching other subjects if the kid has at least some of their own ...

Anežka K.
Anežka K.
- Covid-19 vaccine
I help students to better understand the material they don't currently understand. It makes me happy to see their knowledge grow and their study skills improve. I can offer tuto...

Alexandra N.
Alexandra N.
Nabízím doučování anglického jazyka do úrovně B2, českého jazyka a chemie pro základní školy (popřípadě i střední). Vyhovovalo by mi doučování v místě mého bydliště nebo online.

Diana S.
Diana S.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Studuji na přírodovědecké fakultě na Jihočeské univerzitě a ráda se věnuji hlavně biologii a chemii. S doučováním mám zkušenosti zatím pouze u sourozence a u dětí z našeho oddíl...

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