Czech language tutoring Svárov
Found 18 tutors
Choose a Czech language tutor in Svárov. They'll help your child with all difficulty levels, from basic grammar to literature analysis. On each profile, you can view their verification level, read about their tutoring experience, and see ratings from other families.
Rosalie A.
Rosalie A.
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I have been couching Czech language but also math. I've taught kids write, count and read. I have experiences with kids with ADHD, and dysgraphia. I have an individual access fo...
Ellen K.
Ellen K.
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I am a third-year bachelor's student of Czech and English at the Faculty of Education, Charles University. I have experience tutoring both Czech and English. I have also helped ...
Eva N.
Eva N.
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I graduated from the Gymnasium Evropská 33 with a music specialization. I am currently finishing my Master's degree at Charles University, Faculty of Education (Biology and Heal...
Nikola M.
Nikola M.
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I am studying at the science high school in Prague. I can offer tutoring in mathematics, Czech language and biology for elementary school children or preparation for entrance ex...
Kateřina J.
Kateřina J.
- Covid-19 vaccine
I am a student at Charles University, specifically at the Faculty of Education, majoring in biology-history. I would be able to tutor in these two subjects, then also in Czech a...
Lucie Z.
Lucie Z.
- Covid-19 vaccine
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Jsem absolventkou pedagogické fakulty Univerzity Karlovy, obor učitelství pro 1. stupeň ZŠ. Magisterský titul jsem získala v roce 2022. Jako vyučující na základní škole jsem si ...
Radana L.
Radana L.
- Covid-19 vaccine
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I have experience tutoring Czech and English. I graduated from a Sports Grammar School, and next year I am going to study in America.
Veronika S.
Veronika S.
- Covid-19 vaccine
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My name is Veronika Skovajsová, and I am a primary school teacher with extensive experience in teaching all grades of the first stage of elementary school. Throughout my teachin...
Kristina Ř.
Kristina Ř.
- Covid-19 vaccine
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Doučuji už 3. rokem na ZŠ a chvíli spolupracovala i s klubem na Kladně. Specializuji se na doučování a procvičování především matematiky a češtiny, není však problém dovysvětlit...
Jessica M.
Jessica M.
Vystudovala jsem angličtinu na Carlton univerzitě v Kanadě, 22 let vyučuji, tlumočím a překládám. Nejraději však vyučuji děti. Pracuji on-line, studenti mohou i přijet osobně, j...
Emma C.
Emma C.
- Covid-19 vaccine
I have no experience in tutoring children, anyway I always wanted to tutor. I graduated high school, majored in economics, and now I'm going to college. I love Czech, as far as...
Beatrice H.
Beatrice H.
Mám zkušenosti jako asistent pedagoga na základní škole, kde jsem působila na prvním i druhém stupni. Mohu pomoci s domácími úkoly i s doučováním českého jazyka, matematiky a fr...
Ve všední dny mohu nejdříve od 15:00, kromě čtvrtka, kdy mohu již od 13h a pátku, kdy mohu již od 14h, víkendy jsou vždy různé. U všeho záleží na individuální dohodě 😄.