English language tutoring Nový Knín
Found 28 tutors
Choose an English language tutor in Nový Knín. They'll help your child with all difficulty levels, from the English alphabet to past perfect tense. On each profile, you can view their verification level, read about their tutoring experience, and see ratings from other families.
Hedvika P.
Hedvika P.
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I have experience with turoring basics of English grammar, for example English tenses, irregular verbs, articles and so on. With my student, we can discuss anything needed for o...
Kateřina S.
Kateřina S.
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Hi, I'd be happy to help your children with English or Czech. I have tutored before so I have some experience. I have not only graduated in English and Czech, but I also really ...
Barbora T.
Barbora T.
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S doučováním mám zkušenosti hlavně z rodiny, kde jsem učila bratry. Dále jsem ve volném čase doučovala žáky druhého stupně a při hlídání pomáhám s učením dětem na prvním stupni....
Ellen K.
Ellen K.
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I am a third-year bachelor's student of Czech and English at the Faculty of Education, Charles University. I have experience tutoring both Czech and English. I have also helped ...
Sabina K.
Sabina K.
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Hello, My name is Sabina, and I offer tutoring for elementary school students (grades 1-5). I am a fifth-year student in the university program for Elementary School Teaching a...
Karolína B.
Karolína B.
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Mám zkušenosti s doučování angličtiny - konverzace (maturitní zkouška) Také jsem hlídala u několik rodin s angličtinou jako hlavním jazykem
Lucie B.
Lucie B.
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I'm a university student of education, so I have some experience with tutoring. I have tutored several subjects, but mainly Czech language and mathematics. My qualifications at ...
Thea M.
Thea M.
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I am student of 1. Medical school UK in Prague. Two years I was tutoring high school mathematics and physics 1.-3. school year. I was also tutoring English two years (6. And 7. ...
Sandra F.
Sandra F.
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Mám zkušenosti s doučováním matematiky, anglického i českého jazyka pro první stupeň základní školy. Doučovat mohu jak osobně, tak i online, záleží vždy na domluvě.
Anna A.
Anna A.
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Hi! I am interested in tutoring english. I would say I am a patient person and can adapt well to the tempo of learning the student needs. I believe that you can study English n...
Veronika N.
Veronika N.
- Video verification
I have a teaching degree and experience in tutoring mathematics, I adapt to the needs of the student and the pace of learning. A demonstrable improvement in the subject will occ...
Petr V.
Petr V.
- Covid-19 vaccine
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- Bank iD Verification
Mám několikaletou praxi v doučování AJ, jak soukromě, tak výuku na VŠ Aplikované psychologie. Učím v klidu, v pohodě, podle potřeb studenta, nejsem autoritář, nýbrž pohodář. Se ...
Klára K.
Klára K.
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I have experience in tutoring English and Czech. In English I try to have a lot of conversations with my students, because I know how hard it is to start speaking in a new langu...
Momentálně je to u mně vše na domluvě:) Do konce října mám čas kdykoliv a budu moc ráda, když se domluvíme. Poté budu moci v odpoledních a večerních hodinách. Budu se těšit