Mathematics tutoring Hostivice
Found 41 tutors
Choose a math tutor in Hostivice. They'll help your child with all difficulty levels, from basic additions to logarithms. On each profile, you can view their verification level, read about their tutoring experience, and see ratings from other families.
Julie M.
Julie M.
- Document verified
I have experience with tutoring mathematics, Czech, and English, but I am also capable of teaching other subjects (natural and humanities sciences for elementary school and fore...
Helena F.
Helena F.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Personally verified
Jako vystudovaná speciální pedagožka se více než dva roky zaměřuji na žáky se specifickými poruchami učení. V rámci doučování využívám i intervenční metody nad rámec učebnic a ...
Radka W.
Radka W.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Video verification
- Bank iD Verification
Jsem všeobecně studijně zaměřená, myslím, že téměř všechny předměty zvládám na stejné úrovni. Pomáhám i s psaním slohových a seminárních prací, nehledě na rozsah. Mám získané ...
Johana J.
Johana J.
- Covid-19 vaccine
I attend an eight-year grammar school in Prague and have experience tutoring for entrance exams from the 5th grade. I am happy to help with mathematics, Czech language, or English.
Rebeka V.
Rebeka V.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
S doučováním mám tříletou zkušenost. Práci s dětmi mám moc ráda. Zaměřuji se zejména na přijímací zkoušky na gymnázia a střední školy. S každým studentem mám individuální vztah ...
Nikola M.
Nikola M.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
I am studying at the science high school in Prague. I can offer tutoring in mathematics, Czech language and biology for elementary school children or preparation for entrance ex...
Pavel H.
Pavel H.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
In mathematics tutoring, the speed and method of teaching is fully adapted to the needs and possibilities of the individual student.
Veronika M.
Veronika M.
- Covid-19 vaccine
I have an experience with toutoring math. I come from a famaly of mathematicians, and evben though now I find passion in the subject it was not always like that. That helped me ...
Eliška J.
Eliška J.
- Covid-19 vaccine
For several years, I have been tutoring mainly pupils in the first grade of elementary school, but of course I have had younger and older pupils as well. I like to teach Czech l...
Alice S.
Alice S.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Zdravím vás na mém proilu, jmenuji se Alice a mám zkušenosti s doučováním druhého stupně ať už jako pomoc s domácími úkoly nebo zopakování učiva z hodin všech předmětů kromě dru...
My schedule sometimes varies. Feel free to contact me to agree on ideal times.