  • 25 rokov
  • Nové Město
  • Kontaktovalo ju už 17 užívateľov
  • Aktívna pred 12 dňami
  • Zodpovedá do: 2 hodiny
  •  Sciences Po Paris
  • Kurz prvej pomoci
  •  Robenie spoločnosti, rozprávanie sa, hranie hier atď.
  •  Diabetes
  •  Problémy s mobilitou
  •  Príprava jedla
  •  Odprevadenie k lekárovi

Prešla overením dokladu (OP alebo VP)

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O mne


My name is Estelle. I live and work in Prague for one year. Before I studied political sciences at Sciences Po Paris.

I was also a volunteer at the French association petits frères des pauvres. During holidays I went to an hotel with elderly people and together we went to beach, we visited cities... I was really happy to help them and exchange with people with experience.

I also like helping my grandmothers because I see that they are happy.

I can help you for cooking, cleaning go out with you or just talk 😉 I also have first aid diploma.

See you soon!


I am mostly available during week-ends

Nemá aktuálny kalendár


Čeština, Francúzština a Taliančina


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