  • 48 rokov
  • Praha
  • Kontaktoval ju už 1 užívateľ
  • Aktívna pred 3 mesiacmi
  • Zodpovedá do: 1 deň
  •  Českoslovanská akademie obchodní Dr. E. Beneše, Praha
  •  Metropolitan University, International relations
  •  Potvrdené vzdelanie
  •  Robenie spoločnosti, rozprávanie sa, hranie hier atď.
  •  Alzheimer
  •  Diabetes
  •  Problémy s mobilitou
  •  Pomoc s hygienou
  •  Príprava jedla
  •  Odprevadenie k lekárovi

Eva K.

500  Kč/hod

  • 48 rokov
  • covid-19 vakcína

O mne

I have been working as a care-giver for a year, but it all begun with a dream to open a retirement home of my own one day. I had put the vision on a paper and created a project which I was supposed to present to my future business partner but right before the big meeting the covid-19 crossed our lives. Write away the plan had to put on hold.
Year ago I decided, along my other activities, come back to that dream but begin with my own practice. Which also means I may provide you, if necessary, couple of recommendations.
At the mean time I had attended an assistance course from which I gained a certificate for the appropriate assistance (can provide a photocopy).
My services involve accompanying you or your senior, very wide topics of conversations, bed positioning, diaper changing, hygiene needs and helps, nourishing, grocery shopping, practising walking and similar.
All my work is done with a deep understanding, empathy, smile and love.


Čeština, Angličtina, Francúzština a Ruština

English very good Francais bien Russian xorošo

Starostlivosť podľa zákona o sociálnych službách

Poskytujem tiež služby podľa zákona o sociálnych službách (z.č.108/2006 Sb.)
Stiahnuť dokument

Hlídačky.cz nekontrolujú, že dokument oprávňuje hlídačku poskytovať sociálne služby v zmysle zákona z.č.108/2006 Sb.


Kde stráži:

Kde som najčastejšie: Praha » Praha 6 » Praha

Kde tiež bývam: Praha 1

Mostly I am in Prague unless I leave to South Czech for couple of days or travel abroad for holidays.