 Fotky zo stráženia
  • 49 rokov
  • Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz
  • Kontaktovali ju už 3 používatelia
  • Posiela fotky zo stráženia miláčikov
  • Aktívna pred 3 mesiacmi
  •  "Martin J Sanabria" High school, Valencia.
  •  IUTEPAL, Valencia
  •  Prenocovanie u psa (mačky ...) doma
  •  Návšteva & hranie
  •  Venčenie psov
  •  Cez deň u mňa
  •  Malý (do 5kg)
  •  Stredný (do 25kg)
  •  Veľký (do 40kg)
  •  Obrovský (nad 40kg)
  •  Šteňa
  •  Dospelý
  •  Senior
  •  Nemám deti 0-5
  •  Nemám deti 6-12

Dayana I.

140  Kč/hod

700 Kč/deň

  • 49 rokov
  • covid-19 vakcína

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O mne

Hi, I'm Dayana, I'm 49 years old. I like to take care of people and pets. All my life I have had pets, dogs and cats... Recently cats. I understand the importance that pets have for families as one more member, that is why they will receive respect, care and love from me.

Čo by som sa rada dozvedela o stráženom psovi/zvieratku

I would like to know what are the habits of the pet to take care of, its feeding schedule, what are its favorite games and toys


Mostly I am available all days

Nemá aktuálny kalendár


Angličtina a Španielčina

Safety, First aid, Problem-solving, Child development knowledge, Creative skills, How to entertain children, Multitasking, care sick children, Behavior management strategies, Time management and scheduling, Dealing with tantrums, Conflict resolution, Child encouragement and motivation, Self reliance, Confidence, Communication and relationship building, promote love - affection, Negotiation, Teamwork, Event planning, Leadership, Cooking and food preparation, Cleaning, Household organization, Patience,

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