 Fotky zo stráženia
  • 30 rokov
  • Karlín
  • Kontaktovali ju už 3 používatelia
  • Posiela fotky zo stráženia miláčikov
  • Aktívna pred asi 2 mesiacmi
  •  University of Valparaíso, Chile
  •  Návšteva & hranie
  •  Venčenie psov
  •  Malý (do 5kg)
  •  Stredný (do 25kg)
  •  Veľký (do 40kg)
  •  Šteňa
  •  Dospelý
  •  Senior
  •  Nevlastním mačku
  •  Nevlastním psa
  •  Nemám deti 0-5
  •  Nemám deti 6-12

Kenia S.

200  Kč/hod

500 Kč/deň

  • 30 rokov

Prešla overením dokladu (OP alebo VP)

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O mne

My name is Kenia and I'm 30 years old. During my life I have taken care of more than 6 pets (5 dogs and 1 turtle) all of different sizes and breeds. I consider myself a dog lover so you can rest assured that your pet will be in good hands.
I can make visits to see if they are okay, give them food and water, take them for walks to parks or walks depending on what they need.

Čo by som sa rada dozvedela o stráženom psovi/zvieratku

I am a dog lover, but I can also take care of cats or other types of pets.


Weekdays in the morning

Nemá aktuálny kalendár


Španielčina, Francúzština a Portugalčina

My native language is the Spanish, but also I can speak in English and Portuguese with a intermediate level (B1) and I'm learning French too with a basic level (A2)

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