 Fotky zo stráženia
  • 26 rokov
  • Brno-střed
  • Kontaktovalo ju už 22 užívateľov
  • Posiela fotky zo stráženia miláčikov
  • Aktívna pred 3 mesiacmi
  • Zodpovedá do: 30 minutes
  •  The moraitis school
  •  Veterinary and Pharmaceutical University Brno
  •  Prenocovanie u mňa doma
  •  Prenocovanie u psa (mačky ...) doma
  •  Návšteva & hranie
  •  Venčenie psov
  •  Cez deň u mňa
  •  Malý (do 5kg)
  •  Stredný (do 25kg)
  •  Veľký (do 40kg)
  •  Obrovský (nad 40kg)
  •  Šteňa
  •  Dospelý
  •  Senior
  •  Nevlastním mačku
  •  Nevlastním psa
  •  Nemám deti 0-5
  •  Nemám deti 6-12

Konstantinos P.

150  Kč/hod

700 Kč/deň

  • 26 rokov
  • covid-19 vakcína

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O mne

Dear pet owners and pet lovers. Im a second year student in the university of veterinary medicine of Brno. I have been pet sitting animals for a long time and i have plenty of experience with animals since my family owns 6 dogs and 3 cats back in Greece, unfortunately here in Brno I’ve got none. I have also worked 4 years in a vet clinic. I will take care of your dogs cats or whatever pet you have as if they were mine.

Čo by som sa rada dozvedela o stráženom psovi/zvieratku

The only information i need for the dog or cat is the everyday activity that i will need to provide, the times per day the dog eats and some general information about the dogs health. If you want me i can socialise your pet with other pets if you wont want me then i wont.


Mostly Mondays Thursdays Fridays and weekends

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