 Fotky zo stráženia
  • 21 rokov
  • Brno-střed
  • Kontaktovalo ju už 11 užívateľov
  • Posiela fotky zo stráženia miláčikov
  • Aktívna pred 2 mesiacmi
  •  Henry county high school
  •  Masaryk University, Medicine
  • Kurz prvej pomoci
  •  Prenocovanie u mňa doma
  •  Prenocovanie u psa (mačky ...) doma
  •  Návšteva & hranie
  •  Venčenie psov
  •  Cez deň u mňa
  •  Malý (do 5kg)
  •  Stredný (do 25kg)
  •  Veľký (do 40kg)
  •  Obrovský (nad 40kg)
  •  Šteňa
  •  Dospelý
  •  Senior
  •  Nevlastním mačku
  •  Nevlastním psa
  •  Nemám deti 0-5
  •  Nemám deti 6-12

Jazmin H.

130  Kč/hod

210 Kč/deň

  • 21 rokov
  • covid-19 vakcína

Prešla overením dokladu (OP alebo VP)

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O mne

Hi, I'm Jazmin, a responsible and compassionate pet sitter with a genuine love for animals. As a third-year medical student, I understand the importance of providing reliable and attentive care to furry family members. I have lived in the Czech Republic for two years now, and I am a native English speaker fluent in Portuguese (Brazilian) and have a good understanding of Spanish. With experience in pet sitting I am well-equipped to handle the unique needs and preferences of pets. Whether it's daily visits, overnight stays, or dog walking, I offer dependable and personalized care to ensure the happiness and well-being of your beloved pets.

Čo by som sa rada dozvedela o stráženom psovi/zvieratku

As a pet sitter, I prioritize the safety and well-being of all animals. I am comfortable caring for a variety of dog and cat breeds, except for those with aggressive tendencies. It is important for me to know the habits and preferences of the pet, as well as their sociability with other animals, to ensure a positive and harmonious environment.


Angličtina, Španielčina a Portugalčina


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