 Fotky zo stráženia
  • 34 rokov
  • Žižkov
  • Kontaktovalo ju už 6 užívateľov
  • Posiela fotky zo stráženia miláčikov
  • Aktívna pred 6 dňami
  • Zodpovedá do: 7 hodiny
  •  Ayvalik Anatolian High School
  •  Istanbul University
  •  Prenocovanie u psa (mačky ...) doma
  •  Návšteva & hranie
  •  Venčenie psov
  •  Malý (do 5kg)
  •  Stredný (do 25kg)
  •  Veľký (do 40kg)
  •  Šteňa
  •  Dospelý
  •  Senior

Goktug I.

80  Kč/hod

150 Kč/deň

  • 34 rokov
  • covid-19 vakcína

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris.

O mne

Dear pet owners welcome to my profile.
For 9 years I have been living with a cat. Her name is Asuman. She is an adorable and very demanding cat. So I am especially experienced with cats that need attention. When my friends travel, I often go to their homes to pet-sit their cats.
I have a Ph.D. and I am an independent researcher. I am working as a freelancer, so I have free time. Since I love cats very much and I am experienced in cat care, I want to spend my free time pet-sitting. I can check their food and litter. I can give them medication when needed. I can make sure they don't get bored. So you don't have to worry about your cat when you are not at home.
Similarly, I love spending time with dogs, so I walk my friends' dogs regularly. I can walk your dog as much as you want during the day and give her/him the necessary attention.

Čo by som sa rada dozvedela o stráženom psovi/zvieratku

You can share your cat/dog's character, habits, health condition, and all other necessary information with me.


I am available mostly during the day and evening on weekdays and during the day on weekends.

Kalendár naposledy aktualizovaný pred 8 dňami




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