  • 20 rokov
  • Ústí nad Labem-město
  • Kontaktovalo ju už 16 rodičov
  • Aktívna pred 13 dňami
  • Zodpovedá do: 1 hodina
  •  Gymnázium
  •  Vyšší odborná škola umění a reklamy
  •  preferuje opatrovanie: do 20 hodin za týždeň
  •  Je ochotná strážiť 1 dieťa

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O mne

secondhand shops all around the world offer millions and millions pieces of nice clothes in a great condition. Despite of that, tons of a new clothes are being made everyday. Fashion is actually one of the most polluting industries of the world. It is one of a big reasons Microplastics released to the enviroment. To make a single cotton t-shirt, 2,700 litres of fresh water are required. That is person’s drinking needs for 2.5 years. Iam writing this just to give those information to as many people as we can so we all will think about this while shopping and support the largest clothing companies. You can easily find exactly the same piece in a secondhand shop🍀

Skúsenosti s opatrovaním


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