  • 2 roky skúseností s opatrovaním
  • 24 rokov
  • Nové Město
  • Kontaktovali ju už 4 rodičia
  • Aktívna pred asi 14 hodinami
  • Zodpovedá do: 3 hodiny
  •  Liceo Leonardo da Vinci, Arzignano VI
  •  Leiden University, Netherlands
  •  preferuje opatrovanie: do 20 hodin za týždeň
  •  Strážim v dome rodiny
  •  Je ochotná strážiť 3 deti

Silvia B.

250  Kč/hod

  • 24 rokov
  • 2 roky skúseností s opatrovaním
  • covid-19 vakcína

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O mne

Hi! I'm Silvia :)

I have recently graduated from University in The Netherlands, in the field of anthropology which is a social science related to the study of people, communities, and various social issues.

In the past I have worked as an au-pair in Germany for around two years, caring for two children. I was also in charge of taking care of two large dogs, and some house chores such as cleaning, cooking, and buying groceries.
I have also cared for two months for a group of 6 children aged 2 to 9, tutoring in English and doing educational activities in Cuzco, Peru.

I am a responsible and caring person, I adapt well to different situations and can be creative in thinking of ways to spend time with kids :)
I speak fluently Italian, Spanish, and English, and German at an intermediate level; I would gladly speak any of these languages with the kids, let me know if you have any preferences!

At the moment I am flexible regarding my availability, be it during the week or the weekend, so don't hesitate to contact me!

Skúsenosti s opatrovaním


žiadna skúsenosť


žiadna skúsenosť


2 roky

detský školský vek

2 roky


žiadna skúsenosť


Kreslenie, maľovanie, Tanec / pohybová aktivita a Šport


Nemčina, Španielčina a Taliančina

Italian: native, can tutor Spanish: fluent, can tutor English: fluent, cambridge C1 certificate, can tutor German: intermediate, will not tutor

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