  • 14 rokov skúseností s opatrovaním
  • 30 rokov
  • Nusle
  • Kontaktovali ju už 4 rodičia
  • Aktívna pred asi 20 hodinami
  • Zodpovedá do: 3 hodiny
  •  Greenwood Community High School
  •  Indiana University
  •  preferuje opatrovanie: do 20 hodin za týždeň
  •  Strážim v dome rodiny
  •  Som ochotná voziť deti
  •  Je ochotná strážiť 5 deti
  •   Oslavy
  •   Dovolenka
  •   Cez noc

Emilly S.

500  Kč/hod

  • 30 rokov
  • 14 rokov skúseností s opatrovaním
  • covid-19 vakcína

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O mne

Hello! My name is Emilly, and I am passionate about providing exceptional care for your little ones. I'm originally from Florida, and I have been living in Prague for 7 years. With more than 15 years of experience working with children, I bring a nurturing, compassionate, patient and responsible approach to childcare.
My experience ranges from newborns and infants (including care of infant twins, and an infant with special needs) all the way to young teenagers. I have experience with Montessori and a love of learning alternative or holistic approaches.

I am in the process of becoming certified to be a Postpartum Doula, combining my love of newborns, my love of wellness and healing, and my ambitions of supporting new mothers.

I love to be creative, to be outside in nature, and to have adventures.

Skúsenosti s opatrovaním


13 rokov


13 rokov


14 rokov

detský školský vek

14 rokov


5 rokov

Skúsenosť so špeciálnymi požiadavkami

Poruchy autistického spektra, Detské choroby a Špeciálne potreby

I have worked with children with down syndrome and ASD (autism spectrum disorder)


Kreslenie, maľovanie

Cooking and almost anything creative :)


I'm a native English speaker from Florida, USA. I have a CELTA certificate as well as a Wattsenglish certificate (basic methodological principles in the teaching of english to young and very young learners). I'm learning Czech and am currently working on the B1 level.


CELTA Wattsenglish (Basic Methodological Principles in the Teaching of English to Young and Very Young Learners)

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