  • 23 let
  • Praha 5
  • Aktivní před 7 dny
  •  Human Sciences Verona, Italy
  •  Bachelor degree (EU laws Italy) currently Charles University Social sciences
  •  preferuje hlídání: do 20 hodin týdně
  •  Hlídám v domě rodiny
  •  Můžu vozit děti
  •  Je ochotna hlídat 3 děti
  •   Přes noc
  •   Skupinky dětí

Eleonora U.

400 Kč/h

  • 23 let
  • covid-19 vakcína

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O mně

I am Eleonora, I am an Italian girl, I’m 23 years old. I had finished my bachelor degree in December. Now I'm currently a student of a master at the Charles University.
From February 2024 to July 2024 I did an au pair experience in France.
Since I was 16 years old, I do babysitter, I started with my neighbours, they were twins of 8 years old and another child of 5 years old, my job was stay with them once a week for 3/4 hours and I used to play with them and if they have homework help them to do them. Since last year when the parents ask me I stay with their sister, she is 1 year old.
When I moved in Trento for the University, I had two experiences, the first one with two children: one of 6 years old and the other 3 years old, my job was taking them from school, and go home and play with them and sometimes also make them the bath.
My other experience in Trento, was with a baby of 9 months, was my first experience with a baby, my job was stay with her when she was sick and I had to prepare and give her lunch and put her to sleep and play with her.
My current experience is with a baby of 2 years old but when I started, he was 9 months, my job is taking him once a week from nursery school and go home, play with him and prepare him dinner. A thing I really enjoyed in this year is looking how the child I work with, is growing, and I really notice how is beautiful see them grown, I always try to teach them new things.

Zkušenosti s hlídáním


3 roky


2 roky


2 roky

dětský školní věk

3 roky


žádná zkušenost

Zkušenost se speciálními požadavky

Dětské nemoci


Kreslení, malování a Tanec/pohybová aktivita

Do puzzle, cooking


Angličtina, Francouzština a Italština

I speak very well English, I did my bachelor degree in English and now I'm studying at the Charles University in English, I lived 1 year in the USA. I also fluently speak French, I lived 6 months in France. I have B2/C1 level in French and C1 level in English.

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