- 5 years experience with babysitting
- 21 years
- Olomouc 9
- She has already been contacted by 2 parents
- Activity about 19 hours ago
- Response time: 30 minutes
- VOŠPS a SPgŠ Kroměříž
- prefers sitting: 20 - 40 hours/week
- I babysit at parents' place
- she can babysit 5 kids
- Birthday parties and other
- Travel for Vacations
- Overnights
- Groups of kids
Zdeňka M.
130 Kč/hour
- 21 years
- 5 years experience with babysitting
- Covid-19 vaccine
About me
I graduated from the Secondary Pedagogical School in Kroměříž, specializing in Preschool and Extracurricular Pedagogy. I have extensive experience working with children, which I gained during my studies, as well as through babysitting for friends and parents of children in our forest kindergarten, where I worked for about a year. I also regularly work as a summer camp instructor and lead a children's folklore group every Friday.
I have a strong bond with animals, especially dogs and cats. My additional skills include playing the piano (intermediate level) and the guitar (beginner level). In my free time, I enjoy singing, folk dancing, tennis, and embroidery.
Většinou můžu v soboty a neděle
Current calendar is not availaible
General Experience
no experience
2 years
3 years
3 years
3 years
Special Experience
Hyperactivity, Care for Sick Children, Food Allergies, and Sleep Disorders
Skills and Hobbies
Singing/playing musical instrument, Drawing, painting, Dance/physical activity, and Sport
hraní divadla, hra na kytaru (začátečnická úroveň), hra na klavír (mírně pokročilá úroveň), tenis, lidový tanec, vyšívání, šití, malování, kreslení, dětská grafika, zdravotní cvičení, zpěv
Čeština and English
V průběhu mého studia jsem se učila základy němčiny a ruštiny. Z cizích jazyků zvládám nejlépe angličtinu (úroveň B2). V minulosti jsem se díky mé znalosti angličtiny mohla zúčastnit Erasmu+ v Polsku.