Cleaning and babysitting lady in Jablonné nad Orlicí

Found 7 sitters

Are you looking for babysitting and cleaning in one? Discover the world of babysitting and cleaning at Hlídač Choose from a wide range of reliable babysitters in Jablonné nad Orlicí who will not only look after your children, but also clean up at the same time. And it pays off!

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Klára Č.

170 Kč/hour
  • 12 years experience with babysitting
  • 30 years
  • Jablonné nad Orlicí

Klára Č.

170 Kč/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Video verification
  • Bank iD Verification

My name is Klára and I graduated from the College of Pedagogy in Litomysl, majoring in Preschool and Extracurricular Pedagogy. I worked as a kindergarten teacher and now I am on...

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Šárka H.

200 Kč/hour
  • 7 years experience with babysitting
  • 35 years
  • Jablonné nad Orlicí

Šárka H.

200 Kč/hour
  • Document verified

I have been a preschool teacher and a nanny in a children’s group for 7.5 years, with experience working with children from birth to 7 years old. I have also babysat outside of ...

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Zuzana H.

100 Kč/hour
  • 2 years experience with babysitting
  • 20 years
  • Žamberk

Zuzana H.

100 Kč/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine

My name is Zuzana and I study High School in Žamberk. I baby-sit my relatives every summe at my grandmma and I also have experience from children camps. A help to lead children ...

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Barbora N.

160 Kč/hour
  • 3 years experience with babysitting
  • 19 years
  • Jablonné nad Orlicí

Barbora N.

160 Kč/hour
  • Document verified

Ahoj, jsem Bára, devatenáctiletá studentka fotografie. Zkušenosti s dětmi mám nejen z mojí početné rodiny, ze které pocházím, ale i z letních táborů. Být s dětmi mě naplňuje, ba...

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Šárka K.

220 Kč/hour
  • 1 year experience with babysitting
  • 27 years
  • Letohrad

Šárka K.

220 Kč/hour

Dobrý den, mám pedagogické vzdělání Jezdila jsem na dětské letní tábory jako praktikantka, během studia hlídala dvě děti a vedla kroužek florbalu. Jsem sportovně založená, nemám...

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Tereza P.

200 Kč/hour
  • 10 years experience with babysitting
  • 34 years
  • Dolní Čermná

Tereza P.

200 Kč/hour

Ahoj/ Dobrý den, od září 2013 -2015 jsem pracovala jako učitelka MŠ v Praze. Po mateřské dovolené jsem se vrátila na 6 let opět do školství. Aktuálně jsem na MD s druhou dcerou....

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Terezie M.

120 Kč/hour
  • 6 years experience with babysitting
  • 24 years
  • Pardubice I

Terezie M.

120 Kč/hour
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

I graduated from VOŠ in the field of preschool and extracurricular pedagogy. I work as a nanny in a children's group with children until they start school. I mostly babysit niec...

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