  • 41 years
  • Rosice
  • 9 users have already contacted her
  • Activity 21 days ago
  • Response time: 5 hours
  •  Integrovaná střední škola Karviná

About me

My name is Lenka and I’m 41 years old. I came back to Czech rep. from Scotland 4 years ago where I used to work as a home carer. I used to give meds to my clients, prepare food to them, help with dressing, with hygiene and some small cleaning jobs. I can also do food shopping or assist to doctor. I am on maternity leave and have two years old son. He would help me to look after ur elders. I believe that connection of little child and old is very beneficial for both.


Čeština and English

10 let jsem žila ve Skotsku, kde jsem si zdokonalila Angličtinu. Můj partner je Australan, takže angličtinu používám každý den.

Where babysit

Primary city: Pardubický » Chrudim » Rosice, Pardubický kraj » Rosice