 Pet Sit Photos
  • 22 years
  • Praha 8
  • She sends photos from pet sitting.
  • Activity 3 months ago
  •  Gymnázium Kroměříž
  •  ČVUT, fakulta architektury, obor krajinářská architektura
  •  Overnight stay at my home
  •  Overnight stay at dogs (cats...) home
  •  Visit & play
  •  Dog walking
  •  Over the day at my home
  •  Small (up to 5kg)
  •  Medium (up to 25kg)
  •  Big (up to 40kg)
  •  Junior
  •  Adult
  •  Senior
  •  I have no cat
  •  I have no dog
  •  I have no children 0-5
  •  I have no children 6-12

Petra H.

250 Kč/hour


  • 22 years
  • Covid-19 vaccine

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About me

Czech - Native Speaker
Slovak - I understand very well, I am in an environment with Slovak almost every day
German - 4 years of study, I understand, but I have a little problem speaking it myself
Spanish - 4 years of study, experience abroad, I can communicate well
English - no problem, C1

Welcome to my profile! I have loved animals since I was little and everyone always said that animals love me. Over the years I've looked after dogs, guinea pigs, lizards, tortoises both aquatic and terrestrial, parrots even a scorpion!
I currently live and study in Prague where I don't have a pet yet, but we had a Yorkie at home and when he left us later we couldn't stand it and got two more Yorkies. I adore dogs and love spending time with them outside. I have also babysat other dogs in my home.
If I would babysit a dog, I have several beautiful places in the area to take him, like Ďáblický háj, Okrouhlík, or the park in Prosek. But if I need to, I will be happy to go somewhere else in Prague.
I don't have any experience with babysitting cats yet, but I also like them very much and I'm certainly not opposed to it.

What I would like to know about the of the dog/pet

I would like to know in advance something about the pet itself, if he/she is bothered by something or what he/she likes, if he/she has any health (e.g. digestive) problems, so I know what to watch out for and what treats he/she can have. Also if he/she can run free or not and if he/she gets along with others (for dogs).


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Čeština, English, Deutsch, Spanish, and Slovak

Čeština - rodilá mluvčí Slovenština - rozumím velice dobře, jsem v prostředí se slovenštinou téměř každý den Němčina - 4 roky studia, rozumím, ale sama mám trochu problém mluvit Španělština - 4 roky studia, zkušenosti ze zahraničí, dorozumím se dobře Angličtina - bez problému, C1

Where care:

Primary city: Praha » Praha 8 » Praha 8 » Praha 8