Pet sitting Měřín

Found 100 pet sitters

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Ulrika P.

170 Kč/hour 500Kč/day
 Pet Sit Photos
1 reviews
  • 38 years
  • Žďár nad Sázavou

Ulrika P.

170 Kč/hour 500Kč/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine

Mám ráda domácí mazlíčky, zvláště kočičky a pejsky. Ráda se o Vašeho mazlíčka postarám v době Vaší nepřítomnosti, nakrmím, pohraju si, vyvenčím, co bude potřeba :).

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Iveta G.

150 Kč/hour 500Kč/day
 Pet Sit Photos
1 reviews
  • 23 years
  • Bystřice nad Pernštejnem

Iveta G.

150 Kč/hour 500Kč/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Personally verified
  • Bank iD Verification

Hello! My name is Iveta and I would like to help you to take care of your pet. I can take dogs for an active walk, play with them in a park or just spend some time with them out...

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Lucie Z.

200 Kč/hour 1,200Kč/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 19 years
  • Praha 5

Lucie Z.

200 Kč/hour 1,200Kč/day
  • Document verified
  • Bank iD Verification

Hi! My name is Lucie, and I am a veterinary medicine student (Higher Vocational School and Secondary School of Veterinary, Agricultural and Healthcare Třebíč ) with a great love...

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Lucie Š.

180 Kč/hour 550Kč/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 36 years
  • Modřice

Lucie Š.

180 Kč/hour 550Kč/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Video verification

I grew up in a village where we had a lot of domestic animals. I have got varied experience... (cats, dogs and other animals)

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Soňa U.

200 Kč/hour 600Kč/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 22 years
  • České Budějovice

Soňa U.

200 Kč/hour 600Kč/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

My name is Soňa and I am 20 years old. I have kept animals since I was little. Specifically, I have experience with hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits, cats and dogs. I have shared ...

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Eliška P.

200 Kč/hour 600Kč/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 22 years
  • Velká Bíteš

Eliška P.

200 Kč/hour 600Kč/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified
  • Bank iD Verification

My name is Ellie and I have experiences with taking care of pets since i was a kid. My family had two big dogs and cats. Recently my sister has got two cats and I can petsit the...

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Gabriela B.

160 Kč/hour 1,200Kč/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 44 years
  • Domamil

Gabriela B.

160 Kč/hour 1,200Kč/day
  • Video verification
  • Bank iD Verification

Dobrý den ,zdravím všechny milovníky zvířátek . My máme doma takovou malou farmu takže hlídání či ubytování zvířátka neni problém. Máme doma psa,králíky ,morče ,slepice, prasata...

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Eliška K.

100 Kč/hour 200Kč/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 21 years
  • Brno-střed

Eliška K.

100 Kč/hour 200Kč/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine

Good day, I'm Eliška and I've been drawn to animals of different species and races since I was a child. Pets are great friends and play an important role in our lives. ...

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Kateřina D.

100 Kč/hour 250Kč/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 23 years
  • Vinohrady

Kateřina D.

100 Kč/hour 250Kč/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

Hi, my name is Kate, I am 22 years old and I love animals. Since I was little, I liked to keep hamsters, mice, parakeets and we also had a cat (British blue). We currently have ...

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Gabriela P.

150 Kč/hour 500Kč/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 21 years
  • Brno-střed

Gabriela P.

150 Kč/hour 500Kč/day
  • Personally verified

Ahoj, jmenuji se Gábi a ten chlupáč na fotce je náš Bailey. Studuji v Brně a moc mi chybí moji zvířecí kamarádi. Od mala jsem se starala o pejsky, kočičky a o nějakého toho hlo...

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Tereza K.

250 Kč/hour 800Kč/day
 Pet Sit Photos
1 reviews
  • 27 years
  • Frýdek-Místek

Tereza K.

250 Kč/hour 800Kč/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Video verification
  • Bank iD Verification

Vážení majitelé mazlíčků, moc ráda se přidám o starost s vaším mazlíčkem. Zkušenosti mám od malinka. Mám zkušenosti s velkými i malými pejsky, kočky, ovce, kuřata, krávy a koně....

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Veronika B.

130 Kč/hour 200Kč/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 22 years
  • Prakšice

Veronika B.

130 Kč/hour 200Kč/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

Dobrý den, jmenuji se Veronika a mám velmi ráda zvířata. Od mala jsem měla pejska a starala jsem se o něj, takže vím co to obnáší a mám bohaté zkušenosti. Zvířata můžu hlídat, j...

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Lucie R.

100 Kč/hour 500Kč/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 21 years
  • Rozsochatec

Lucie R.

100 Kč/hour 500Kč/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified
  • Bank iD Verification

Jste majitel čtyřnohého mazlíčka ? Potřebujete ho vyvenčit či pohlídat ? Mám doma kočičku a vycházím i s pejsky. Pro pejska je nejlepší procházka v přírodě stejně jako pro mě.

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Kateřina Š.

160 Kč/hour 600Kč/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 19 years
  • Praha-Suchdol

Kateřina Š.

160 Kč/hour 600Kč/day

Hi, my name is Katka and I have years of experience with animals. I grew up with a Labrador, a bunny, two hamsters and two cats and any time I got the chance I walked my relativ...

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Lucie S.

160 Kč/hour 550Kč/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 21 years
  • Brno-střed

Lucie S.

160 Kč/hour 550Kč/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

Hello. my name is Lucka, I am 22 years old and I am a student of Portuguese language, culture and literature in Brno. I have a very positive relationship with animals, nature an...

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