Pet sitting Olšany u Prostějova
Found 272 pet sitters
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Anna J.
Anna J.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Video verification
- Bank iD Verification
Hello, my name is Anna. I am dental nurse. I have a little French bulldog, he is very friendly.Since my birth, I have been moving in the company of dogs from small breeds to lar...
Michaela G.
Michaela G.
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Hello! My name is Michaela. In my childhood i had budgies, which i teached how to talk and to come to me when being said. Now i domt have any pet, because i travel a lot and ofc...
Kateřina K.
Kateřina K.
- Video verification
Dobrý den, jsem vystudovaná veterinární asistentka a velká milovnice zvířat. Od malička žiji mezi zvířaty (hlavně hlodavci, kočky a psi). Sama mám 2 kočičky a pejska. Ráda...
Valerie Š.
Valerie Š.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Personally verified
Ahoj! Jmenuji se Valerie a je mi 23 let. Momentálně studuji v Olomouci. Od mala jsem vyrůstala v rodinném domku jak s pejskama, tak s kočkama. Vztah k nim mám tedy velmi kladný...
Natálie V.
Natálie V.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Welcome to my profile :) I have been taking care of my labrador Nessie since I was 13. Now we even had puppies at home, which I helped to give birth and then feed. We kept anoth...
Anna F.
Anna F.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Video verification
Dear animal parents, allow me to introduce myself a little. I am a big lover of animals, I have two dogs (dachshund, rottweiler) and two kittens at home. I probably won't count ...
Eliška F.
Eliška F.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Dear pet owners, I would like to share my service with you. I'm lover of all kinds of animals. I have a lot of experience with dogs, cats and rodents. I'd like to be a good comp...
Kateřina K.
Kateřina K.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Krásný den. Jmenuji se Kateřina a je mi 24 let. Jsem studentkou UPOLU. Mám láskyplný přístup ke zvířatům. Doma mám králíčka a andulku. Ráda tedy někdy třeba nějakého králíčka ...
Paulína P.
Paulína P.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Video verification
I have always had dogs at home. At the moment, we have two dogs. They live with my parents in Slovakia, so I do not have them here in Brno. That is why I would be glad to take c...
Michaela P.
Michaela P.
- Document verified
Hello there! I am student of Slovanské gymnázium Olomouc, I am 18 years old and in a free time I like doing some sport. I have a Labrador (10 yo). I live in family house with a ...
Gabriela K.
Gabriela K.
- Document verified
Dear animal pets owner. I am a student. I have some experience in pet sitting like cats, dogs, rodents or reptiles. I looked after a cat of my mum's colage for 3 years. I wanted...
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