Pet sitting Praha 5
Found 565 pet sitters
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Francisca F.
Francisca F.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I am a chilean girl living in Prague. I am an enthusiastic pet-sitter offering to take care for your pets. While I have limited professional experience, my passion for animals m...
Lucie L.
Lucie L.
- Covid-19 vaccine
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- Bank iD Verification
I grew up with dogs since I was little. When I stood on my own two feet, I got a Staffordshire terrier puppy named Aischa, who was my partner for almost 17 years. Since she le...
Kateřina D.
Kateřina D.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Hi, my name is Kate, I am 22 years old and I love animals. Since I was little, I liked to keep hamsters, mice, parakeets and we also had a cat (British blue). We currently have ...
Amelie S.
Amelie S.
- Covid-19 vaccine
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- Bank iD Verification
Dear pet owners, my name is Amelie, I study law, I live in Prague and I would be more than happy to spend my free time with your beloved pets. I was growing up with dogs (small...
Petr Š.
Petr Š.
- Covid-19 vaccine
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- Bank iD Verification
Good day to all owners of little ones. I will take care of all kinds of animals, I can take it even to home. I live close to Stromovka park so i can take pet for a run. I am tim...
Nikola M.
Nikola M.
- Covid-19 vaccine
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- Bank iD Verification
I wish a good day to everyone readimg this. :) I am Nikola and I will take care of your pet with love. I take daily care of my two cats for a few years already. I don’t have ex...
Eliška Ž.
Eliška Ž.
- Covid-19 vaccine
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- Bank iD Verification
Dobrý den, o domácí mazlíčky se starám od dětství, neboť jsme na vesnici měli všechny možné druhy zvířat. S kočkami a pejsky žiju celý svůj život. Nyní jsem se přestěhovala do P...
Nela H.
Nela H.
- Covid-19 vaccine
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- Bank iD Verification
Zdravím majitelé zvířátek! Jmenuji se Nela, je mi 24 let a láskou k zvířatům se netajím. Od malička miluju pejsky,kočky ale také hlodavce a mým oblíbeným zvířetem je papoušek. N...
Adéla K.
Adéla K.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Video verification
- Bank iD Verification
Krásný den! Už od mala jsem zvyklá na přítomnost psů. Mám zkušenosti s různými rasami a to s německým boxerem a se dvěmi fenkami bostonského teriéra (7 let a 1 rok), které ale ...
Adriana H.
Adriana H.
Reliable Pet Sitting Services I am an animal lover offering trustworthy and caring pet sitting services. Whether you need someone to care for your furry friends during your vac...
Tereza B.
Tereza B.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Dobrý den, jmenuji se Tereza a ráda bych pohlídala nebo vyvenčila Vaše pejsky. Doma (mimo Prahu) máme dva, Badíčka a Maggie - můžete je vidět na mé profilové fotce. Často zůstáv...
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