Tutoring Polerady
Found 17 tutors
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Arlo B.
Arlo B.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
I have experience tutoring a boy in 5th, then 6th grade, all subjects. It was mostly about helping him with his homework, but I explained the schoolwork to him, too. My special...
Terezie W.
Terezie W.
- Document verified
I offer tutoring in Czech and English for children in preschool and elementary school. Czech is my native language, so I have an excellent command of it, including grammar and s...
Kristýna B.
Kristýna B.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I have experience in teaching languages (English, Spanish) for children and adults. I study these languages at university (Translation and Interpretation) and I am also able to ...
Johana F.
Johana F.
Hi, my name is Johana and here are some informations about me. I study secondary school of agriculture ( the fourth year ) and i have been studying art school for 12 years now. ...
Andrea P.
Andrea P.
- Covid-19 vaccine
I have experience teaching English in a kids club (kids from 3 to 6 y.o.). I'm currently at university studying psychology. I'm able to teach Czech or English, eventually elemen...
Kristýna V.
Kristýna V.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I have experiences with helping with homeworks and learning of grammar school subjects, but I can handle younger children aswell. I would adapt to the needs and pace of learning...
Andrea S.
Andrea S.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Dobrý den, jmenuji se Andrea a je mi 20 let, nyní ještě stále studuji dálkově nástavbové studium. Moc ráda doučím anglický jazyk, nejlépe první stupen, ale šli by i starší roční...
Nikola V.
Nikola V.
- Personally verified
Mám zkušenosti s doučováním matematiky, českého jazyka, fyziky a biologie. Místo doučování: u mě doma
Barbora L.
Barbora L.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
I am a 1st year student at Charles University, majoring in Music Education and English Language for Education. I am a music enthusiast, I have been involved in musical activitie...
Martina H.
Martina H.
- Document verified
S doučováním nemám sice zkušenosti, ale zvládla bych s dítětem procvičit , češtinu, angličtinu, po mé krátké přípravě i matematiku 1. stupně :-) Pouze sudý týden - odpolední či ...
Během dne kdykoliv kromě úterka, po večerech pátek až pondělí.