Tutoring Praha-Velká Chuchle
Found 23 tutors
Choose a tutor in Praha-Velká Chuchle. On each profile, you can view their verification level, read about their tutoring experience, and see other families' ratings.
Drahomíra B.
Drahomíra B.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
I teach online Czech language, maths, English language and physics. I teach children ZŠ and SŠ. I use Zoom.
Barbora T.
Barbora T.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Video verification
- Bank iD Verification
S doučováním mám zkušenosti hlavně z rodiny, kde jsem učila bratry. Dále jsem ve volném čase doučovala žáky druhého stupně a při hlídání pomáhám s učením dětem na prvním stupni....
Petr H.
Petr H.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Personally verified
- Bank iD Verification
Mám zkušenosti s doučováním matematiky a češtiny pro ZŠ, event. SŠ. Příležitostně doučuji v rodinném centru Nová Trojka, Praha 3. Tři roky jsem asistoval studentovi s mírným hen...
David N.
David N.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Good day, my name is David Novák. I am 31 years old. I live in Prague. I enjoy pass my knowledge to other people. I was helping my classmates with English at elementary school ...
Denisa S.
Denisa S.
- Document verified
I have experience, the lessons are always individual and fun. I am patient and will help you with homework, essays, exam preparation, just about anything. English level - B2. I ...
Radka W.
Radka W.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Video verification
- Bank iD Verification
Jsem všeobecně studijně zaměřená, myslím, že téměř všechny předměty zvládám na stejné úrovni. Pomáhám i s psaním slohových a seminárních prací, nehledě na rozsah. Mám získané ...
Thea M.
Thea M.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I am student of 1. Medical school UK in Prague. Two years I was tutoring high school mathematics and physics 1.-3. school year. I was also tutoring English two years (6. And 7. ...
Simona M.
Simona M.
I have a certificate FCE C1 in english, but I guess when you're reading this you don't need help withe english. I've loved Czech and literature since middle school and am able...
Veronika N.
Veronika N.
- Video verification
I have a teaching degree and experience in tutoring mathematics, I adapt to the needs of the student and the pace of learning. A demonstrable improvement in the subject will occ...