Babysitting Praha-Libuš
Found 162 sitters
Choose a sitter in Praha-Libuš. On each profile you can take a look at the level of verification of the sitter, read about her experience and, above all, find out how other parents evaluate her.
Karolína M.
Karolína M.
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Children need our presence, not our perfection." At the same time, they remind us to live in the moment. That’s why I’ve chosen to set my career aside for now and once again ded...
Sandeep K.
Sandeep K.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Loving kids is about creating a nurturing and positive environment where they feel valued, understood, and safe. When kids feel loved and respected, they are more likely to trus...
Veronika C.
Veronika C.
I am a graduated preschool teacher and qualificated nanny. I can offer years of experience working with children (teacher, lector, nanny), creativity, reliability and mainly lo...
Katarína P.
Katarína P.
- Covid-19 vaccine
My name is Katarina and I'm currently studying general medicine at 1. faculty of medicine Charles University in Prague. I'm from Slovakia, but I have no problem speaking fluentl...
Marcela M.
Marcela M.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Je mi 60 let / babička tří vnoučat. Děti mě baví a zároveň naplňují. Každé dítě je originál s jinými potřebami. K dětem přistupuji s laskavostí, citlivostí a individuálně. Rád...
od pondělí do pátku ,od 8.00 do 16.00