Babysitting Ratibořské Hory
Found 75 sitters
Choose a sitter in Ratibořské Hory. On each profile you can take a look at the level of verification of the sitter, read about her experience and, above all, find out how other parents evaluate her.
Markéta Š.
Markéta Š.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I am a young student with a great passion for childcare. Currently, I work in a nursery, and this is where I find my joy and fulfillment. I have completed a nanny retraining cou...
Kateřina Š.
Kateřina Š.
I have experience with babysitting in my family and friends. I like to spend time outdoors, sports activities, games. I have a respectful loving attitude towards children. I am...
Barbora J.
Barbora J.
- Document verified
secondhand shops all around the world offer millions and millions pieces of nice clothes in a great condition. Despite of that, tons of a new clothes are being made everyday. F...
Kateřina B.
Kateřina B.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Aktuálně studuji Střední odbornou školu ekologickou a potravinářskou ve Veselí nad Lužnicí, čtvrtý ročník, tudíž letos maturuji. Co se týče mých zkušeností s hlídáním dětí, dopo...
prázdniny po - pá kdykoliv, školní rok odpoledne 2x až 3x týdně odpoledne a večer