Pet sitting Praha-Dolní Chabry
Found 132 pet sitters
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Miroslava P.
300 Kč/hour
Miroslava P.
300 Kč/hour
- Document verified
Vážení majitelé domácích mazlíčků. Od mladí mám velmi kladný vztah ke zvířatům. Celý život jsem prožila na venkově. Po mém boku byli pejsci, kočičky, domàcí králíčci, papoušci a...
Veronika T.
150 Kč/hour
Veronika T.
150 Kč/hour
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
My name is Veronika. I raised hamsters, guinea pig and rabbit since I was little, but my desire was always to have a dog one day. I travel a lot, so I can't afford to have a dog...
Viktorie L.
100 Kč/hour
Viktorie L.
100 Kč/hour
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I am young girl who loves animals. Since my childhood I have dog, cats, hamsters, rabbits. I like to going out with dogs and I can teach them some new things. I will graduate th...
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